5 Things You Should Never Pressure Wash

Pressure washing can be a great way to clean and restore various surfaces, but it’s important to know what should and should not be pressure washed. Some items and materials are simply not designed to withstand the forceful spray of a pressure washer and can be damaged or even destroyed if subjected to such treatment.

In this article, we will discuss the 5 things you should never pressure wash to ensure you avoid costly mistakes and preserve the integrity of your belongings.

Things You Should Never Pressure Wash

Why Should You Avoid Pressure Washing Certain Items?

Pressure washers exert a tremendous amount of force that can easily strip away paint, etch surfaces, or even cause injury if not used correctly. Certain materials are particularly vulnerable to this force and should be cleaned using alternative methods to prevent damage. Here are some things that you should never pressure wash.

Electrical Outlets and Fixtures

Pressure washing electrical outlets, switches, and fixtures is extremely dangerous and should never be attempted. The forceful spray of water can lead to electrical shock or damage to the wiring, posing a serious risk to your safety.

Things You Should Never Pressure Wash

Delicate Plants and Flowers

Pressure washing delicate plants and flowers can cause irreparable damage to their delicate petals, leaves, and stems. Instead, opt for gentle watering methods such as a watering can or a garden hose with a spray attachment to preserve the beauty of your garden.

Things You Should Never Pressure Wash

Older Masonry and Mortar

Older masonry and mortar can be easily eroded by the high-pressure water stream from a pressure washer. The force can dislodge bricks, weaken mortar joints, and cause structural damage to your home or property. It’s best to use a soft-bristle brush and mild detergent for cleaning these surfaces.

Things You Should Never Pressure Wash

Asphalt Shingles

While pressure washing can be an effective way to remove dirt and debris from many surfaces, it should never be used on asphalt shingles. The forceful spray can loosen the granules that protect the shingles, leading to premature deterioration and potential leaks in your roof. Instead, opt for a gentler method such as using a leaf blower or a broom.

Wooden Surfaces

Wooden Surfaces are also on the list of things you should never pressure wash because pressure washing can cause significant damage to wooden surfaces such as decks, fences, and furniture. The forceful spray can strip away the protective sealant, splinter the wood, and leave behind unsightly marks. Instead, use a low-pressure nozzle or a scrub brush with mild detergent to clean and preserve the wood.

Things You Should Never Pressure Wash

For a comprehensive list of surfaces and objects that should not be pressure washed, refer to this informative guide by tomsguide: 9 things you should never clean with a pressure washer.

Now that you have learned about the things you should never pressure wash, here is the list of things that are safe to pressure wash.

FAQs About Things You Should Never Pressure Wash

Can I pressure wash my car?

You can only pressure wash your car if you can do it with caution. For instance, the pressure of the washer can be great enough to damage the windshield or remove some paint. So you have to be very careful.

Can pressure washing be used on all types of siding?

While pressure washing can be used on many types of siding, caution must be exercised. Vinyl, aluminum, and fiber cement siding can generally withstand pressure washing, but wood siding, stucco, and older or damaged siding may be more susceptible to damage. It’s always a good idea to test a small inconspicuous area before proceeding.

Can I pressure wash my windows?

Pressure washing windows is not recommended as the high-pressure spray can shatter the glass and cause injury. Instead, opt for a safer method, such as a window cleaning solution, squeegee, or microfiber cloth.

Can I pressure wash my outdoor furniture?

The suitability of pressure washing outdoor furniture depends on the material. While metal and plastic furniture can generally withstand the forceful spray, wooden furniture, and delicate fabrics should be cleaned using alternative methods to avoid damage.

Can I pressure wash my swimming pool?

Pressure washing is not recommended for cleaning swimming pools. The forceful spray can damage the pool lining, grout, and delicate filtration systems. It’s best to use pool-specific cleaning products and equipment recommended by the manufacturer.

Can pressure washing remove graffiti?

Pressure washing can be an effective method for removing graffiti from certain surfaces, but it may not be suitable for all materials. It’s important to consider the surface type and the type of paint or ink used for the graffiti. Consulting a professional or following specific guidelines from graffiti removal experts is recommended to avoid further damage.


Knowing the things you should never pressure wash is essential to protect your belongings, prevent damage, and ensure your safety. Electrical outlets, delicate plants, older masonry, asphalt shingles, and wooden surfaces are just a few examples of things that you should never clean with a pressure washer.

By using alternative cleaning methods and exercising caution, you can maintain the integrity and longevity of your possessions while achieving a clean and well-maintained environment.

Remember, when in doubt, it’s always best to consult professionals or seek advice from manufacturers to ensure the proper care and cleaning of specific items and surfaces.

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