Can You Put Out A Fire With A Pressure Washer?

I have been asked many questions about pressure washers, but one of the most interesting ones I have heard is, “Can you put out a fire with a pressure washer?” It’s a question that may seem strange at first, but it’s worth exploring.

Yes, you can put out a fire with a pressure washer but make sure you act before the small fire turns into a big fire. The high pressure water is the hero here that helps settle down the heat and fire much faster. I say this because we have real life stories that people have utilized a pressure washer to put out fire. But still, there are some risks involved that you need to be aware of.

In this article, I will discuss the science behind fires and water, the effectiveness of water in extinguishing fires, and the risks of using a pressure washer to put out a fire.

Table of Contents
    Can You Put Out A Fire With A Pressure Washer?

    Can Pressure Washers Put Out Fires?

    Pressure washers are powerful tools that can clean a variety of surfaces, from cars and trucks to decks and patios. They work by using a high-pressure stream of water to blast away dirt and grime. But can they put out fires?

    Pressure washers can generate a lot of water pressure – up to 4,000 PSI in some cases. This pressure can be used to blast water onto a fire. It is the same technique now firefighting departments use too, known as Ultra High-Pressure Hoses (UHP). This tells us that using high pressure water to distinguish fire is legitimate and useful. The pressure on those UHP exceeds 20,000 PSI while typical pressure washers range from 1500PSI to even 4000 PSI.

    Real Stories of Use Of Pressure Washers in Firefighting

    It is becoming common to see people jumping to help put out fires with their pressure washers.

    One example is a person from Alabama who uses a pressure washer for cleaning walls and fences. This person was driving back to home when he noticed a fence was on fire, he immediately got out of the car and prepared his pressure washer to extinguish the fire before it could cause major damage to nearby property. His story is in the video below :

    A second story happened in Georgia when an off-duty firefighter after completing his side job of pressure washing was returning home when he noticed a car on fire. He stopped and helped put out the fire on his own with his pressure washer before the firefighters arrived.

    These stories show that it is safe up to a certain extent to extinguish a fire with the help of a pressure washer.

    How To Put Out A Fire With Your Pressure Washer

    If you are considering using your pressure washer to put out a fire, there are some important steps you need to follow. First, call the fire department. Even if you think you can handle the fire yourself, it’s always best to have professional help on hand.

    Next, make sure you are using the right type of pressure washer. Not all pressure washers are designed to handle water that is hot enough to put out a fire. Make sure you are using a pressure washer that is rated for hot water use. Hot water not only helps in cooling but also reduces the oxygen around it.

    Once you have the right equipment, aim the water stream at the base of the fire. This is where the fuel source is located, so targeting this area is important. Keep the water stream steady and move it around to cover as much of the fire as possible.

    The Science Behind Fire And Water

    To understand why water is effective at putting out fires, it’s helpful to understand the science behind fire and water. Fire requires three things to burn: heat, fuel, and oxygen. When these three elements combine, they create a chemical reaction that produces flames and heat.

    Water is effective at extinguishing fires because it removes one or more of these elements. When you apply water to a fire, it cools down the heat source, removing the “heat” element. It also covers the fuel source, removing the “fuel” element. Finally, water can create a layer of steam that blocks oxygen from reaching the fire, removing the “oxygen” element.

    The Effectiveness Of Water In Extinguishing Fires

    Water is one of the most effective tools for extinguishing fires. It’s readily available, easy to use, and can be applied in large quantities. However, water is not always the best choice for every type of fire.

    For example, water should never be used on electrical fires, as it can conduct electricity and make the situation worse. Water should also be avoided when dealing with grease fires, as it can cause the grease to splatter and spread the fire.

    Finally, water can be less effective on certain types of fuels, such as oils and solvents. These fuels may float on top of the water, making it difficult to fully extinguish the fire.

    The Risks Of Using A Pressure Washer To Put Out A Fire

    While pressure washers can be used to put out fires, there are some significant risks involved. First, the high pressure of the water stream can cause the fire to spread, especially if you are not aiming the water stream at the base of the fire.

    Second, using a pressure washer to put out a fire can be dangerous. The high pressure of the water stream can cause injury to both the operator and anyone nearby. Additionally, the hot water used in some pressure washers can cause burns.

    Finally, using a pressure washer to put out a fire can damage your property. The force of the water stream can cause damage to walls, floors, and other surfaces.

    Alternatives To Using A Pressure Washer To Put Out Fires

    If you are looking for an alternative to using a pressure washer to put out fires, there are several options available. One of the most effective is a fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishers are designed to quickly and effectively extinguish fires, and they come in a variety of types for different types of fires.

    Another option is a fire blanket. Fire blankets are made of fire-resistant materials and can be used to smother small fires. They are especially useful in the kitchen, where grease fires are common.


    While pressure washers can be used to put out fires, they should be dealt with caution. Water is an effective tool for extinguishing fires, but it should be used with caution. If you are dealing with a fire, it’s always best to call the fire department and let professionals handle the situation.

    If you do decide to use your pressure washer to put out a fire, make sure you are using the right equipment and following the proper safety precautions. And if you are looking for an alternative to using a pressure washer, consider a fire extinguisher or fire blanket.

    Remember, the most important thing when dealing with a fire is safety. Don’t take unnecessary risks, and always err on the side of caution.

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    One thought on “Can You Put Out A Fire With A Pressure Washer?

    1. I recently was doing a burn off and part of it was getting out of hand. I had my Karcher K7 on standby and could not believe the response. The pressure washer actually fanned the fire and made it grow more intense no matter what I did. The problem is volume, you need way more water than the K7 was producing Do not trust a pressure washer to put out a fire as it will be at your own peril.

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